• Director: Irving P. Herman

  • Years Active: 2002-2011

  • Co-PIs: Stephen O’Brien, Louis Brus, Siu-Wai Chan, Jeffrey T. Koberstein, Tony Heinz, Rastislav Levicky, Ben O’Shaughnessy, Philip Kim, William E. Bailey, Andrew Millis, Sanat Kumar, Yasutomo Uemura, David Reichman, Joze Bevk, Jeffrey Kysar, Colin Nuckolls, Michael Steigerwald, Nicholas Turro, Daniel Akins (CCNY), Ilona Kretzschmar (CCNY)

  • Stated Mission: The Materials Research Science and Engineering Center (MRSEC) at Columbia University investigated ways of forming films containing complex metal oxide nanoparticles and the properties of these films through an interdisciplinary and collaborative effort. The Center was composed of a single interdisciplinary research group (IRG). The focus of the IRG research was the materials chemistry of oxide nanoparticle systems, and included nanoparticle synthesis, assembly, and diagnostics. This Columbia MRSEC linked thirteen faculty members from five departments on campus with other faculty at City College of New York, and with fourteen collaborators in industry and at national laboratories. The MRSEC maintained shared experimental facilities that met the needs of the Center research and served for the training of students. Education outreach efforts of the MRSEC included a summer research experience for undergraduates and for high school teachers, and an extensive visitation program to high and middle schools in New York City that brought materials demonstrations to teachers and students.

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